1. BUY A BOX. You can do this ahead of the sale to be prepared or along with your first order. See below for more details on how that works.
2. Shop for goodies that you are interested in each day. We will keep adding your goodies to your box for the full 9 days of the sale [wed, thurs, fri, sat, [skip sun] mon, tues, wed, [skip thanksgiving] fri, sat]. If you overflow your box, we will upgrade for free [see below for more info]. If you overflow that, you will be charged for another box. If you overflow that, the upgrade is once again on us and so on until all of your goodies are packed up!
3.If you are using PAYPAL, we will not be able to ship your overflow goodies until we receive extra box payment. If you use a credit card then we will simply charge the card you are using and ship your goodies. CREDIT CARD is easier for us and faster ship for you. You can preload your card into your account so your checkout process can be faster.
4. Have fun. Enjoy the sale. If you don't enjoy this kind of pressure... please don't play because it will be frustrating for you. For the rest of you, let the games begin!!!
Keep reading for more details if you are new to the process...
* We changed the annual dates of the sale two years ago and decided to keep the new earlier dates permanently. It helps us to get all of your goodies out to you before Christmas and its much easier for my quilting elves... SALE STARTS ON WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 16TH THIS YEAR!!
The Fig Tree 12 Days of Christmas sale will start on Wednesday, NOVEMBER 16TH and will last for 9 days again this year [we used to do 12 full days but it got to be a little too overwhelming]. We will take a break on Sunday 20th and Thanksgiving 24th. We will finish up the sale on Cyber Saturday November 26th. All goodies will start to ship the following week and will arrive to you much earlier than in years past!
* Each day a different kit, special bundle, stocking stuffer and/or home dec goodies will be advertised- on some days several of each! I CAN'T WAIT TO SHARE WITH YOU WHAT WE HAVE COLLECTED FOR YOU THIS YEAR!
* Each special offer will only become available on that one day. Each goodie will only be available while stock lasts. Most of the items offered will sell out on that day, a few will last a few days. Please believe us that some items will sell out crazy fast [some of them in minutes] and some will last all day based on popularity and stock. Although we try and anticipate the demand, we are often surprised by your enthusiasm and are limited by how much stock we can carry of any given item. EACH DAY IS BASICALLY A LIMITED QUANTITY FLASH SALE SO PLEASE REMEMBER THAT WHEN YOU SHOP. It will be unlikely that the item [especially the fabric items] will still be available the next day.
* We never know which ones will sell out the fastest! If we are able to get more in stock of any popular product, we will try but we can't guarantee that anything that sells out will come back in stock. If they can, it will not be a part of the sale but something that we offer after Christmas for a separate January delivery. Most of the kits will not be available again due to fabric being sold out.
* For those of you who want to continue to purchase items throughout the 12 days of the sale but want us to hold your purchases for one shipment, YOU NEED TO BUY-A-BOX. SEE MORE INFO BELOW [ I know that some of you want to receive your presents as you buy them each day, in which case you don't need to buy a box and just choose regular shipping as you shop each day]. The BUY A BOX is an actual product available on our homepage. You only need to PURCHASE IT ONCE, either before the sale starts or on the first day that you purchase a 12DAYS item- but you need to purchase it as an actual product once. Then for all the remaining purchases you make, you will simply choose the "I BOUGHT A BOX" option in the shipping drop down menu directions during the checkout process.
Just like in past years of the 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS we offer you the choice to hold all of your daily goodies to be shipped together at the end of the 9 days of sales so you can save money on the shipping costs and keep adding goodies to your box! It's an awesome option and a lot of fun!
This is how it will work:
Regardless of whether you think you will get the smaller stocking stuffer kinds of items or the "bigger ticket" items and you are a die hard 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS fan, you will BUY-A-BOX as your shipping option. If your goodies "spill" out of the medium box you have purchased, we will upgrade you to a large box... AT NO EXTRA CHARGE. If you spill out of that, we will need you to purchase another medium box and go from there with a free upgrade again, etc.
If your box does not come close to filling throughout the sale and all we need to send your goodies is an envelope, WE WILL DONATE THE SHIPPING DIFFERENCE TO OUR LOCAL FOOD BANK. We will downgrade those orders into envelopes, calculate the difference and once we have everyone's "donations", we will let everyone know via our newsletter what that amount is and donate it to the Alameda County Food Bank. IN FACT WE WILL MATCH ANY AMOUNT THAT GETS ACCUMULATED FROM UNUSED SHIPPING CHARGES AND ADD THAT TO THE CHECK LIKE WE DO EVERY YEAR.
So please don't worry about whether or not you are going to fill up your box. The extra $7 or so that you might not end up needing will go to a very worthy cause during this holiday time. Also if you find yourself in that situation, please don't complain. Please just see it as the $7 donation that it is! Thank you so much in advance!!
1. So that you are ready for the sale on Thursday, BUY-A BOX now so that you can focus on purchasing your items once they start going up on Day #1. Given how quickly the items go, etc, buying your box ahead of time is your best bet!
2. When you are buying your goodies, select the "I BOUGHT A BOX" choice in the shipping drop down menu so that you are not charged for shipping each time you place a new item in your box. This is basically your free shipping option for the rest of the items for the first set of 5 days [until you fill your box].
3. If you do not select "I BOUGHT A BOX" as your shipping option when you purchase items, we will assume that you wish to receive the product right away and you want it shipped right away and you do not wish to accumulate items. Believe it or not, there are some customers for whom this is their own personal Christmas and they look forward to receiving the packages each and every day. Enjoy!
4.Please know that if you forget to select the "I BOUGHT A BOX" option for shipping during checkout, we will not be able to change it. Due to the sheer volume of 12 DAYS customers, we really only have the opportunity to see what is chosen and ship or not ship based on the info you have provided during checkout. Thank you so much for understanding!
Remember you will BUY-A-BOX only once before the sale begins or at the time of your first purchase. This will make all of us- you and us- ready for the sale before it even begins!!
You can of course still BUY-A-BOX on the first day of the sale or on any other day that you begin shopping the sale. Basically if you want to accumulate your goodies, you must BUY-A-BOX at some point before you can check out. If you fill up your box and want to keep shopping, we will charge you for another and begin the process again.
International orders will be assessed actual shipping charges at the time of shipping. International orders cannot use paypal since we need to be able to access the payment info during shipping.