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Sugar Drops
This classic sawtooth star pattern arrarnged in an unique and unexpected setting gives your eyes a subtle treat!
This classic sawtooth star pattern arrarnged in an unique and unexpected setting gives your eyes a subtle treat!
Our Price: $10.75

Availability: Shipping Now!
: 651

The sweet flavors of frosting. Sugared Gumdrops. These are the images that come to my mind when I look at these blocks. A classic Sawtooth star pattern arranged in a unique & unexpected setting, gives your eyes a subtle treat. Placing the stars together by color instead of scattering them about the quilt, visually brings your eyes back to look again and again.

This simple patchwork can easily be made with those favorite fat quarter bundles you've been saving or with a new collection of goodies gathered especially for your own "sugar drops".

Pattern includes special tips on strip piecing & cutting, setting triangles and patchwork borders.