Fig Tree & Co.


The Perfect Little Scissors
The Perfect Little Scissors

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Our Price: $31.00

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Karen Kay Buckley has designed the "Perfect Scissor" for all your applique and trimming needs. The handles are larger, cushioned for comfort and can easily be used right or left handed. When using these micro-serrated scissors you will find that it pulls the fabric into the blades rather than pushing the fabric away as with standard scissors. The blades are designed to cut all the way to the tip. A protective plastic cover is included. But that's not all....Karen thought that your scissors needed a little "bling" and so she designed this lovely little charm to go with these scissors!

And if you are like me and always lose the little protector, you end up poking yourself with those sharp scissors and wish you had somehow attached it to the scissor. Feed the chain clasp through the lower handle. Open clasp and attach to chain. Place plastic cover (included) over tip of scissors and enjoy the little heart and your hands safe from poking! Its a perfect little duo for you or for your favorite sewing friend... or for both!