This is vintage Halloween at its best! Full of classic blocks in a variety of sizes, from 6" blocks to 15". All blocks will be pieced with our simple, straight forward piecing techniques, no templates, no fancy rulers, just simple piecing! We have also mixed in a few appliqué blocks to make this program truly unique and oh so gorgeous [for those of you who just aren't interested in appliqué, please remember that you can most easily substitute any of the other blocks of the same size for the appliqué ones/for the one large appliqué block, we will make alternate pieced suggestions]. The appliqué shapes are big and chunky and forgiving and we will give you detailed directions for the starch method of appliqué which yields the best results for the most amount of beginning appliquérs.
The quilt will be finished off with a fabulous pieced scallop border that just sets off the inside perfectly I think!
The fabrics used in the program are from the reprint of our ALL HALLOW'S EVE collection.
BLOCK SIZE: assorted sizes ranging from 4" to 15" QUILT SIZE: 66" x 72"
If you are using our ALL HALLOW'S EVE COLLECTION for MODA, please note the SKU #'s provided.
MATERIALS LIST: Sampler Blocks: 1/2 yd. cuts of a variety of orange, grey, cream and black prints: (5) orange prints: #20350-11, #20352-11, #20353-11, #20354-11, #20356-11 (4) grey prints: #20350-15, #20351-15, #20352-15, #20354-15 (5) cream prints: #20352-16, #20354-16, #20354-26, #20354-27, #20355-16 (4) black prints: #20350-13, #20353-13, #20354-13, #20355-13 You will also need 3/8 yd. black solid: MODA Bella Washed Black #9900-118 Block Background: 2 yds. MODA Bella Ivory Solid #9900-60 Inner Border #1: 3/8 yd. small cream print #20354-16 Inner Border #2: 3/8 yd. small black & white print #20353-13 Scallop Border #3: (2) 3/8 yds. orange prints #20352-11 & #20350-11 Middle Border #4: 7/8 yd. black solid: MODA Bella Washed Black #9900-118 Outer Border: 1 yd. cream floral #20350-16 Backing: 4 1/8 yds. print of your choice [we used #20350-11] Binding: 5/8 yd. multi-color print #20356-11
