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Fig Tree Favorites Bundle + Notepad Freebie
Fig Tree Favorites  Bundle + Notepad Freebie
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Our Price: $107.50

Availability: 12 Day Shipping Item!

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Every year, all year long, I search, source and collect Christmas fabrics that we think you all would love and would mix well with Fig Tree projects past, present and future.

Then once all of the fabrics arrive, I group the fabrics based on inspiration and create several different bundles that all appeal to different feels and styles for Christmas. We all like different things in our Christmas projects and sometimes we want different “feels” for different projects or gifts for people, right?

I know that this FIG TREE FAVORITES is the bundle that so many of you wait for each year… it is a Fig Tree Christmas for sure.

Many of our Fig Tree favorites mixed in with a few coordinating prints from some Moda friends, makes this a wonderfully Figgy Christmas palette. We squirreled away some fabulous Fig Tree fabrics from collections no longer available and we love the feel of those one for sure!

Each bundle has (18) ½ yd. cuts so you would be able to make SO MANY different Christmas projects with this one. Each bundle comes with a nostalgic Christmas notepad [in the style of the ones shown] as a gift.